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Get Checked for Cervical Cancer

A cervical cancer screening is also known as a PAP smear. You should see your obstetrician/gynecologist (Ob/GYN) doctor regularly. Regular PAP smear screenings are performed every three years, while you are between 21 and 64. You are most likely to develop cervical cancer during these ages. Due to regular testing, cervical cancer rates have dropped over the last 30 years.  Cancers are much easier to treat and are easier for you to tolerate if caught earlier.

Certain infections and risk factors may increase your chances of developing cervical cancer, including:

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Past history of HPV infection
  • Long-term birth control use
  • Hormone management
  • And more.

If any of your family members have had cervical cancer be sure to your doctor know. 


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Y0020_WCM_134133E_M Last Updated On: 7/23/2024