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PaySpan Security

The security of your data is paramount to PaySpan Health and Wellcare. PaySpan Health has developed a rigid infrastructure to ensure data integrity and security.

  • Data security - Ensuring the security of data is central to the design of the security network.
  • Physical security - Proximity card readers are used throughout production centers to control access based on job function. Cameras monitor and record all activity at all hours.
  • Account management - Support center staff track all jobs and ensure that all transactions are processed accurately and efficiently.
  • Quality Assurance procedures - The quality control function ensures that electronic transactions match standards approved by clients and that printed documents meet banking and postal standards.
  • HIPAA competence - PaySpan is committed to meeting the requirements set forth in the HIPAA Privacy and Security Standards for the secure transmission, use and management of protected health information.
  • Audits - PaySpan issues reports that may assist providers in evaluating the internal controls of PaySpan services.

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Last Updated On: 11/18/2015
On April 22, 2024, UnitedHealth Group issued a press release, providing an update on the Change Healthcare cybersecurity incident that occurred on Feb. 21, 2024. Given the size of the data impacted, the investigation to determine whose data is impacted is expected to take several months. UnitedHealth Group believes this situation will impact “a substantial proportion of people in America” and is offering immediate credit monitoring and identity protection services, as well as a dedicated contact center to address questions. Visit Change Healthcare Cyberattack Support and/or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342 regarding any questions.
