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Take Control of Diabetes

People with diabetes can live long and healthy lives. A great start is to manage these three conditions:

  • Blood sugar (glucose)
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol levels

Many people have all of these conditions. When you have diabetes, you are more likely to have a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. But you can manage your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. That lowers your risk for illnesses.

Ask Your Primary Care Physician (PCP) These Questions:

Q. What are my glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers?
Q. What should they be?
Q. What actions should I take to reach and stay at these goals?

Keep a Record.

Keep track of your blood sugar (glucose), blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Take Action Now.

  • Eat the right amounts of foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains
  • Eat foods that are prepared with less salt and fat
  • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day
  • Stay at a healthy weight. Ask your primary care provider (PCP) to figure out your body mass index (BMI) is and learn if it is in the normal range
  • Stop smoking. Ask your PCP about ways to quit
  • Use a pillbox to help you take your daily medicines regularly
  • Keep an up-to-date list of all your medications and allergies in your purse or wallet
  • Take medicines the way your PCP or specialist tells you to. If you think a medicine is not agreeing with your body, tell your PCP
  • Ask your PCP about taking a daily dose of aspirin
  • Ask your family and friends to help you with your efforts to get and stay healthy

Set Goals.

Keep track of when your vision, kidney function and feet are checked by your doctor. Work with your PCP, specialists, friends and family to reach your goals.

Do not forget to get these exams:

Blood Sugar (glucose)
The A1C test is also known as the Hemoglobin A1C. It measures your average blood sugar over the past three months. Test at least two to four times a year, depending on your status. Suggested blood glucose goal: 7 or less on the A1C test.

Blood Pressure
Diet and exercise help. You may need medicine as well. Test at every visit.  Goal blood pressures can vary by age and health. Ask your PCP what is right for you.

Cholesterol is a type of fat in the blood. Diet and exercise help. Medication may be needed as well. Test at least twice a year. Ideal cholesterol can vary by person. Ask your PCP what is right for you.

Regular and Dilated Eye Exams
Get tested once a year by an eye specialist.

Test for Kidney Disease
Test for protein (Albumin) in your urine and test for buildup of substances in your blood at least once a year.

Foot Exams
Have your feet examined at every visit.

For More Information, visit WebMD.

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Last Updated On: 3/3/2025