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Prior Authorization Requirements

Exciting News!

We are enhancing our authorization requirements for Medicaid.

Staywell is excited to announce some important Medicaid outpatient prior authorization requirement changes. We are reducing the  amount of Medicaid  services/procedures requiring prior authorization for Behavioral Health services.  These updates are designed to help ease your day-to-day interactions with us while allowing us to continue to exercise responsible stewardship over the government-funded healthcare programs we administer.  

For dates of service on or after September 15, 2018, we are standardizing Behavioral Health authorization requirements across ALL outpatient places of service for our Medicaid services. Listed below are the Behavioral Health outpatient procedure codes that will require prior authorization as of the above-mentioned date.  All other covered procedure codes do not require authorization and can be rendered and billed as medically necessary.

On September 15, 2018, will be updated to reflect these changes. Prior authorization requirements are subject to periodic changes. You should always use our website’s authorization page to determine whether a procedure code requires prior authorization, and always check eligibility and confirm benefits before rendering Behavioral Health services to members. Failure to do so may result in denial of reimbursement. 

For questions regarding this notice, please contact Provider Services at the number located in your Quick Reference Guide. When prompted say “Authorizations” or
press 2.

Thank you for your continued participation and cooperation in our ongoing efforts to render quality healthcare for our members. We look forward to helping you provide the highest quality of care for our members.


90867              Therapeutic Repetitive Transcranial (TMS)

90868              Therapeutic Repetitive Transcranial (TMS)

90869              Therapeutic Repetitive Transcranial (TMS)

90870              Electroconvulsive Therapy

90880              Hypnotherapy

90887              Interpretation/explanation of results of psych exam & procedures Outpatient

Collateral, 15 min.

90899              Unlisted Psychiatric procedure

96105              Assessment of Aphasia of speech/language

H0019             Behavioral health; long term residential (non-medical, non-acute care in a residential treatment program where stay is typically longer than 30 days), without room and board; per diem

H0038             Self-help/peer services; per 15 minutes

H0047             Alcohol and drug services not otherwise specified

H2011             Crisis Intervention Services; per 15 Minutes

H2012             Behavioral health day treatment; per hour

H2015             Comprehensive community support services; per 15 minutes

H2017             Psychosocial rehabilitation services; per 15 minutes

H2019             Therapeutic behavioral services; per 15 minutes

H2020             Therapeutic behavioral services; per diem

H2022             Community-based wrap-around services; per diem (intensive in-home services)

S5145              Behavioral health specialized foster care

S9475              Ambulatory setting substance abuse treatment or detoxification services; per diem

T1017              Targeted case management, each 15 minutes

T1027              Family training & counseling

For routine outpatient services, Staywell will continue to use our outlier management practice to monitor and review appropriate utilization of routine outpatient therapy services. This means we will be reviewing your claims data regularly to identify patterns of service that are at variance with your peers. In addition, based on our current member utilization experience we have set a visit threshold of 20 units per year that, if exceeded, will trigger a request for clinical review to determine the medical necessity of additional units.

Procedure codes considered routine include:

90832              Psychotherapy, 30 minutes

90834              Psychotherapy, 45 minutes

90837              Psychotherapy, 60 minutes

90839              Psychotherapy for Crisis, first 60 minutes

90846              Family Psychotherapy, without patient present

90847              Family Psychotherapy, 45 minutes

90849              Multiple-Family Group Psychotherapy

90853              Group Psychotherapy

For psychological and neuropsychological testing, 5 hours will trigger a request for clinical review to determine the medical necessity of additional testing (96101, 96102, 96103, 96111, 96116, 96118, 96119,  96120 and 96125).

For those HCPC codes (“H” codes) with the following notation, “No auth requirement up to 200 units. Prior Authorization Request = ON after 200 Units Total of identified HCPC Series Codes”, 200 combined units for those HCPC codes will trigger a request for clinical review to determine the medical necessity of additional HCPC units. 

For questions regarding this notice, please contact Provider Services at 1-866-334-7927 or your Provider Relations Representative.



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Last Updated On: 2/5/2025